Saturday, April 10, 2010


I just have to toot my own horn . . . My baby will be turning 1 on April 12. I was able to breastfeed her throughout her first year. I am proud to say that I pumped breast milk every day that I worked for the 10.5 months that I worked of her first year. Yeah! I am very glad to be done, that's for sure, but I'm also very pleased. It's not like I was able to support her exclusively throughout, as my supply dropped off in the last three months. But I still stuck with it :)

Mark starts his first shift at work tonight "on the floor" actually working with patients. He's both excited and nervous. He had some orientation and computer training this week.

Makayla is doing great with eating, talking, fine motor skills, but she still has no interest in pulling herself to stand or crawling. She is getting a little better at scooting across the floor on her butt, though (see video). It takes her a while, and there may be some whining and fussing to go along with it, but she's moving a little. Such a happy little thing. When I say "Say Mama" she very clearly says "dada". nice.


  1. Way to go, Karen! I only made it 5 1/2 months breastfeeding with Jocey & 8 with Blakeney and I didn't work outside the home, so I'm impressed that you made it the whole 12 months! Happy Birthday to M! She sure is cute!:)

  2. Wow! Good job, Karen. I wasn't able to make it the full year with either of my kiddos. Oh, but doesn't it feel wonderful to be much freedom!!

  3. Good job wiggling Makayla! I love to see how she figures out her little body and how to make it work. It's crazy to realize we couldn't always function! I also love the clap for myself at the end. Perfect. Delight in the small things. :)

  4. She is a doll! It was so fun to see her in February! Happy Birthday!

  5. how cute! I hope she had a great birthday. the kids want to buy her something, so let me know when you're having a party for her.

  6. Happy Birthday to Makayla! Can't believe that she is 1 already! Maybe you can give me some tips on raising a girl because I won't know what to do with one when she's born in August!

