Sunday, December 11, 2011

catch up - Halloween, and newly crawling!

This lovely outfit evolved over time.  Started with the tank top, then lost the pants, but added flip flops, too-small-of-hat, and the attractive dog chain :)  Perfect outfit for playing outside in the dirt.

we tried a potty party to help her get the idea of using the potty.  Hasn't been too successful yet.

We had a fun Halloween.  Makayla loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, so I found her a Minnie Mouse dress.  Later, I happened across another Minnie Mouse dress in Brynn's size, so we had 2 Minnies.  They were cute.  Makayla didn't let me paint her nose black. 

Our church had a Trunk or Treat.  It was very well attended and busy.  Makayla had a good time.  She went about half way around the loop of cars, and then came back to our car for a break and helped hand out candy. 

November flew by.  Thanksgiving was a small gathering at our home.  Hannah and Ashlyn were in town and we also had Uncle Richard over.  I was able to take the 3 older girls to the Science Center, where we had fun with the hands on activities. 

Mark is almost done with school.  Yay!!  I'm soooo excited for him.  I think he is more nervous than excited.  It's hard to believe that 4 months is almost up.  He has been doing very well in his classes, with the testing.  He enjoys the material that he is learning, and has great goals for the future.  We are hoping and praying that he flies through the national exam as he has on the classroom exams and that he lands a job quickly.

This was a sad day, when Brynn fell face-first onto the garage floor.  I felt really bad.  Bad mommy.  She got a fat bruised upper lip.  At one point, it looked like some exaggerated lipstick makeup.
forget taking the shirt all the way off, just take it up to make a hat

Brynn is such a joy.  She is a happy little thing.  She has given up all baby foods and is just on finger foods or table foods at this point.  I love watching her meet the milestones.  This week she started to crawl.  Yay!  (Makayla never crawled, so this is particularly exciting for me).  I tried to load a video, but after hours of waiting, and 3 failed attempts, I'll try again another day.


  1. Karen, Thank you for your message on my blog. I DO remember you. You were one of my favorite of Chelsey's roommates.

  2. Oh poor baby she needs some encouragement and probably a nice penis hug

  3. she can go potty on my face any time she needs to go

